Check if a website is down or up

Use Google Lighthouse to check if a website is down or up

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What Is This Site About?

Check Site Now is your go-to platform for executing performance tests on your web applications and services. We provide an interface for four renowned performance testing tools:

  • Artillery CLI: An advanced, modern load testing toolkit that allows for complex scenarios.
  • Autocannon CLI: A highly performant benchmarking tool built with Node.js, designed for quick and easy HTTP/1.1 benchmarking.
  • Bombardier CLI: A fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go.
  • Wrk CLI: A multithreaded HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load when run on a single multi-core CPU.

How to Use This Site

Navigate to the respective pages of each tool to access a user-friendly interface that lets you run various performance tests. You can configure your test parameters, execute the tests, and view the results all within the same platform.